Support TVT
Tooele Valley Theatre is an emerging theatre company in the Tooele Valley that is committed to bringing enriching theatrical experiences to Tooele that will entertain and nourish the human spirit. Being a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, we can not rely on ticket sales alone to help achieve our vision. We need contributions from people like you - people who support our community and believe the arts have the power to enrich lives and bring people together.

What Giving Can Do
Provide props, a meal for the cast and crew of a show, or paint for scenery.
Provide materials for building scenery, furniture pieces for sets, or supplies to maintain lighting and sound equipment.
Help provide our costumer with materials to create amazing costumes and looks for our actors!
Provide funding for royalty fees, backing tracks, new lighting equipment or new sound equipment.
Help with advertising or funding for a storage space!
Help cover the costs of all aspects of a production and help us build a fund towards a new theatre space.
Our 2024 Sponsors
For more information on becoming a sponsor and helping support our community please reach out via email at

Other Ways to Support TVT
There are other ways to engage and serve Tooele Valley Theatre beyond financial contributions. You could;
Volunteer to assist at any of our performances
Follow us on social media and share our posts
Attend our performances and bring your friends and family